Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 4

We finished our intro to anatomy with doctor Jim Preddy. Not only was he a fantastic teacher but he is the first person who was able to identify and tell me what my knee problem is. I have Osgood-Schlatter disease. It's a growing disorder that usually goes away on its own, but for me it never did. The reason my knee hurts so much is because the bone grew to be sharp and pointy, so it pokes me from the inside. At least now I know I'm not damaging myself further when I feel pain.

My birthday was this week. It was pretty cool to have 300+ people sing to me in yoga class and wish me happy birthday all day, and my parents sent me some chocolate in the mail. All-in-all it was a good birthday.

I got my first ever massage this weekend. It was really nice, but I wouldn't say it was life-changing. I could see myself getting one occasionally, but I won't be going often.

Fresh pineapple juice from whole foods is actually life changing. No joke.

I forgot to mention how awesome miso soup is. I get miso paste from whole foods and make some high-quality miso soup in my thermos to help me get through lectures with enough sodium so that I can be hydrated during class. Not to mention it's delicious.

This week is going to ramp up the difficulty as we reach the halfway point. It's going to get interesting...

1 comment:

  1. I just remembered about this blog! It's awesome hearing about your training, I hope it's going really well. Can't wait to hang out with you again when you come back!
